
来源 :中共天津市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengweimin
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加强和改进党的代表大会和委员会制度建设,是马克思主义政党建党的重要内容和发展党内民主的基础性环节,是保持党的先进性、提高党的执政能力的重要途径。党的十六大以来,各地党组织按照中央要求,积极探索党的代表大会常任制新途径,完善党的地方各级全委会、常委会工作机制,取得了一定成效。从全面贯彻党的十七大精神和党面临新形势新任务的实际出发,坚持以改革创新精神切实解决好党的地方代表大会和委员会制度在实际运行中存在的问题,必须要制定实行党的代表大会代表任期制的实施办法,充分发挥党代表的作用;进一步改进党的地方代表大会的组织工作,切实提高会议质量;试行党代表大会常任制,积极探索发挥党代会作用的途径和方式;强化地方党委全委会的职能,充分发挥全委会的决策和监督作用;健全地方党委常委会工作机制,进一步加强领导班子的集体领导作用。 To strengthen and improve the party congress and committee system construction is an important part of establishing a party by Marxist political parties and a basic link for developing inner-party democracy. It is an important way to maintain the advanced nature of the party and improve the party’s ability to govern. Since the 16th CPC National Congress, the party organizations in various localities have actively explored the new ways for the permanent system of the party’s congress in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, and perfected the working mechanism of the plenary sessions and the standing committees of local parties at all levels and achieved some success. Starting from the reality of fully implementing the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress and the new tasks and tasks facing the party in the new situation, we must resolutely solve the problems existing in the actual operation of the party’s local representative assembly and the committee system in the spirit of reform and innovation. We must formulate and implement the party’s Give full play to the role of party representatives; further improve the organization of the party’s local council and effectively improve the quality of the conference; try the permanent system of the party congress and actively explore ways and means of giving play to the role of party congress ; Strengthen the functions of local committees of local committees, give full play to decision-making and supervision functions of the committees, improve the working mechanism of the standing committees of local party committees and further strengthen the leading role of collective leadership of the leading bodies.
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