信华:相信中华 年复一年认真执行——专访信华科技(深圳)有限公司副总经理蔡家宏

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10%、20%…年初企业制定年增长率的时候,经理总要白几根头发,想着如何完成高额指标。然而,有一家台资检测机构,却从不追求过高的增长率,始终坚持:无论遇到什么风险,都使公司增长浮动比率处于预估上涨或下跌10%的范围之内。“因为他们认为只有达到预期设定目标,才是对投资者和伙伴负责的表现”。对于近期不断传出并购、重组的检测认证市场,如何保持可持续的增长,而且最高效能的资金运用的情况之下,信华科技揭示了一条企业的运作规律——以大博小,靠体型;从小变大,靠务实、靠智慧、靠坚持。 10%, 20% ... When companies set annual growth rates early in the year, managers always want to have a few hairs and think about how to accomplish high targets. However, a Taiwanese-funded testing organization never pursued excessively high growth rates. It always insists that no matter what the risks are encountered, the growth rate of the company’s growth will fall within the estimated 10% increase or decrease range. “Because they think it is the responsible performance of investors and partners only if they meet the set expectations.” For the recent succession of mergers and acquisitions, reorganization of the testing and certification market, how to maintain sustainable growth, and the most efficient use of funds under the circumstances, the letter revealed the science and technology of a business operation of the law - ; Grew bigger, depend on pragmatism, rely on wisdom, rely on perseverance.
红军攻漳的巨火胜利,扭转了中央苏区困难的局面,为闽西工农政权的巩固奠定了基础。图为缴获的敌人飞机。 The gigantic victory of the Red Army in attacking Zhangzhong r
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拥有25年历史的IBM i系列近些年总会被人们怀疑是否如秋后的蚂蚱,撑不了多长时间。近日, IBM i系列在北京以声势浩大的规模举行了3天围绕i系列产品和解决方案的培训——Syste
对于一个成功的公司而言,人是最为重要的因素。所以必须关注创新,关注人才。西门子拥有大最优秀的人才,我们会继续保持第一,对此我决不怀疑。 For a successful company, pe