现代数字化技术冲击着传统法律规则 ,对于数字化技术引发的各类新问题 ,各国的解决方式一般是或者扩大解释原有法律 ,或者重新立法。我国在实体法中对这些问题已进行了初步解决 ,但在程序法上还没有解决方案出现 ,因此有必要对之进行研究 ,探求解决方法。从各国电子商务法的订立中可看到 ,对与此有关的法律问题进行研究应紧密结合其技术特点。数字与数字化过程对民事证据体系的影响 ;数字证据本身的技术性特点 ;以及使用数字证据概念来定义数字化过程中产生的应作为民事证据的资料 ,并列入民事证据体系中 ,而不应使用电子证据、计算机证据概念 ;数字证据与视听资料书证的关系 ,进行数字证据规则设计等问题值得深入研究
Modern digital technology has hit the traditional legal rules. For all kinds of new problems caused by digital technology, the solutions of all countries are either to expand or explain the original laws or to re-legislate. My country has initially solved these problems in the substantive law, but there are still no solutions to the procedural law, so it is necessary to study and explore solutions to these problems. As can be seen from the conclusion of the e-commerce laws in various countries, the study on the legal issues concerning this should be closely linked with its technical features. The impact of the digital and digitization processes on the civil evidence system; the technical characteristics of the digital evidence itself; and the use of the concept of digital evidence to define the information that should be produced as a civil evidence in the digitization process and incorporated into the civil evidence system rather than the use of electronic Evidence, the concept of computer evidence; the relationship between digital evidence and audiovisual material and documentary evidence, and the design of rules for digital evidence deserve further study