建设大后勤 搞好大服务 谋求大发展

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今年是贯彻十六大精神的第一年。以十六大精神审视近年来山西机关后勤的改革与发展 ,我们更加明确了以宏观管理和指导为核心 ,建设大后勤的方向 ;更加增强了服务于党和国家的中心工作 ,服务于全省经济建设发展需要 ,搞好大服务的观念 ;更加坚定了发展是第一要务 ,谋求后勤经济 This year is the first year of carrying out the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. With the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress examining the reform and development of logistics in Shanxi’s organs in recent years, we have made it clearer that we should take macroeconomic management and guidance as the core and establish a major logistics direction. We will further strengthen the central work of serving the party and the state and serve the entire province Economic development and development needs, do a good job of the concept of service; more determined development is the most important task for the logistics economy
上世纪最后20年最具争议的话剧,从前苏联演到欧洲、美国、中国,成为今年中央戏剧学院表演系的毕业大戏。  四个高三的学生,三男一女,带着鲜花、酒杯,居心叵测地去给老师过生日,老师叶莲娜·谢尔盖耶夫娜年逾三十,尚未婚配。孤独的老师被孩子们的热情和纯真所感动,答应愿意帮助孩子们。孩子们暴露出狐狸尾巴,他们的真正目的,是来要保险柜钥匙,然后去篡改上午考得一塌糊涂的数学试卷。于是,他们和老师玩了一出本不该属