中药复方是中医临床用药的主要形式和手段 ,方以药成 ,方中各味药又含有多种化学成分 ,这些固有的化学成分是复方发挥药效作用的物质基础 ,但方中任一活性成分又不能全面反映中医用药所体现的整体疗效 ,这是中药复方与化学合成药品在制定质量标准过程中的根本区别 ,所以宏观的
Traditional Chinese medicine compound prescription is the main form and method of clinical drug use in TCM. In order to make it into medicine, each flavoring drug in Fangfang contains multiple chemical components. These inherent chemical components are the material basis for the compound to exert its pharmacodynamic effect, but any of its activities The components do not fully reflect the overall efficacy of the TCM medicine. This is the fundamental difference between the TCM compound and the chemical synthesis drug in the development of quality standards.