【摘 要】
Dear editor,rnWe thank Lopes et al.1 for their interest in our study and for writing an insightful commentary based on our findings, which were recently publish
【机 构】
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Burwood, VIC 3125,
Dear editor,rnWe thank Lopes et al.1 for their interest in our study and for writing an insightful commentary based on our findings, which were recently published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science,2 and for their work.3 As noted by the authors, there is consistency in several key findings between our laboratories, and this should serve as a basis for future investigation in this area. We agree that there has been little work examining the effect of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) on central arterial stiffness, wave reflections, and hemodynamic responses. However, research is particularly lacking in adults with metabolic diseases, a population with a significantly increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular mortality. To further the impor-tant discussion Lopes et al.1 have raised in their commen-tary, our response focuses on raising additional points concerning the responses in central arterial stiffness, wave reflections, and hemodynamics observed following HIIE in adults with metabolic diseases. With this, we hope to shed light on the importance of research in HIIE for this popula-tion and their arterial health.
今天是第八天,她最担心的事情如期过去了,自己的身体总是经得住考验。 很早,她就在院子里晒了一大桶水。桶是红色的,齐腰高,满满的一大桶水到了中午就会被阳光晒得温热。早上的空气很好,甜丝丝的清爽,像含在嘴里的薄荷糖。昨天夜里她还担心如果阴天下雨了该怎么办。半夜里她便醒了很多次,悄悄地把窗帘扒开一条缝隙察看天气。漫天的星星让她放心了,但是她还是做了一个梦,梦见一大清早就哗哗啦啦地下起雨来,把她急得不行
Biological maturation can be defined as the timing and tempo of progress to achieving a mature state. The estimation of age of peak height velocity (PHV) or per
林寻顶着小轻雪孤身进山寻大清庵。已是初春,绵软的雪絮微微有些粘,落到身上就不肯离开。林寻披着一身轻雪穿过稀疏错落的农舍,走到最后一户人家门口时,天突然暗了下来。 林寻不由得看了看腕上的老手表。泛黄的表盘上时针指向两点,分针与秒针刚好在十二点重叠,林寻的心一颤。多年来,她从不在这个时间看表,因为母亲就是这个时辰走的,在老街昏暗的小屋里,母亲从枯瘦的手腕上吃力地脱下手表,用尽最后一丝气力把那块表戴在
辽沈地区的军旅作家与地方作家及文学期刊的编辑关系不错,彼此见面、交流往来频频,名副其实的“军民鱼水情”。著名的王中才曾任沈陽军区政治部创作室主任,他的手下兵强马壮,人才济济,随意请出一位,都有全国叫得响的作品。只是汇入北方战区之后,军界文职人员走向何方,创作室专业作家以哪种方式存在?退休之后,八面来风偏少,倒真的无从知晓了。看来,最堪回首的还是往事。 开会、聚会、相会,大都人不少,晚辈的我见到王