延庆县位于北京市西北郊,长城外侧,太行山脉与燕山山脉交接处,属暖温带大陆性气候。境内东、南、北三面环山,山地占总面积的70%以上。西临官厅水库,中部地势低平,由一系列丘陵阶地和平川构成怀来盆地的一部分。地形、地质、水文及小气候条件复杂,土壤类型繁多。特别由于受成土母质、水系和人为耕种利用的影响,土壤个体变化更为复杂。如何将自然界多种多样的土壤个体变异确切地系统划分,并以简明扼要的制图代号系统表示,为土壤普查队员野外调查制图掌握,是搞好土壤普查的基本技术条件。 根据全国土壤普查暂行技术规程的要求,县级普查以公社为单位的大比例尺土壤调查制图,重点以土种为基本上图单元,因此,本工作分类着重反映土属和土种的划分,体现基层分类的地区特点和生产实用特点。
Yanqing County is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing, the Great Wall, the junction of the Taihang Mountains and Yanshan Mountains, is a warm temperate continental climate. The territory of East, South, North surrounded by mountains, mountains accounted for more than 70% of the total area. Guanting Reservoir West, the central low-lying flat, by a series of hilly terraces and Hirakawa part of the Huailai basin. Topography, geology, hydrology and microclimate conditions are complex with a wide variety of soils. In particular, changes in soil individuals are more complicated due to the effects of soil parent materials, water systems, and human-made farming practices. It is a basic technical condition for improving the soil census that how to systematically divide and categorize a large number of individual variations of soils in nature and make them clear and concise mapping code system to map the field investigation of soil surveyors. According to the requirements of the Provisional Technical Regulations on Soil Census of China, a large-scale survey of soil survey conducted by the Census Bureau at the county-level census focuses on soil species as the basic map unit. Therefore, this classification mainly reflects the division of soil and soil species, Grassroots classification of the regional characteristics and production of practical features.