建国后,著名爱国民主人士章士钊先生曾先后三次不顾个人安危,为了国家、民族的命运向毛泽东上书,坦诚陈言自己的意见,忧国忧民之心溢于字里行间,充分表现了一个民主人士对中国共产党的诚挚关怀,堪称“中国共产党的真正朋友”。 1957年“整风反右”期间,章士钊在全国政协征求民主党派意见的座谈会上,诚恳地发言说:希望中国共产党永远保持廉洁奉公、不谋私利的优良传统。他引用了一句古语“物必自腐而后虫生”。他说譬如一个水果,表皮坏一些不甚
After the founding of New China, the famous patriotic democrat Mr. Zhang Shizhao has successively ignored the personal safety of three times, wrote a letter to Mao Zedong for the fate of the country and the nation, frankly stated his own views, The sincere care of the Communist Party is called “the true friend of the Chinese Communist Party.” During the “rectification and anti-rightist” campaign in 1957, Zhang Shizhao made a sincere speech at a symposium in which the CPPCC National Committee called for the opinions of the democratic parties: I hope the Chinese Communist Party will always maintain the fine tradition of honesty and selflessness. He quoted an old saying “things must be self-corrosive and then worm-eaten.” He said, for example, a fruit, the skin is not some bad