Silica-based 71-channel arrayed waveguide grating

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dwlqw008
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Silica-based 71-channle AWGs with 0.4 nm (50 GHz) channel spacing at 1.544 5 μm have been designed and fabricated by using silica-based waveguide.Theoretical simulation and experimental results are given and compared.The test results show that the fiber-to-fiber insertion loss ranges from 3.5 dB to 7.1 dB for central and peripheral output ports,respectively,the total crosstalk level is better than -32 dB,3 dB bandwidth is 25 GHz and polarization dependence loss(PDL) within 3 dB bandwidth is less than 0.5 dB,which agrees well with the simulation results. Silica-based 71-channle AWGs with 0.4 nm (50 GHz) channel spacing at 1.544 5 μm have been designed and fabricated by using silica-based waveguides. The theoretical and experimental results are given and compared. The test results show that the fiber- to-fiber insertion loss ranges from 3.5 dB to 7.1 dB for central and peripheral output ports, respectively, the total crosstalk level is better than -32 dB, 3 dB bandwidth is 25 GHz and polarization dependence loss (PDL) within 3 dB bandwidth is less than 0.5 dB, which agrees well with the simulation results.
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