意大利是最先采用滴灌的国家之一。据报导使用滴灌面积仅约4000公顷,不到全部灌溉面积的0.1%;滴灌系统多用来浇花园、果园和培育蔬菜栽种花木。 1960年以来,意大利陆续研制了一些不同结构类型的滴头和滴灌设备。其中滴头有钻孔式、毛细管式、裂缝式、套管式、过滤式、螺纹消压式滴头等等。牌滴头可供灌溉柑桔类果园之用。
Italy is one of the first countries to adopt drip irrigation. It is reported that drip irrigation area is only about 4000 hectares, less than 0.1% of the total irrigated area; drip irrigation system is mostly used to water gardens, orchards and nurture vegetables for planting flowers and trees. Since 1960, Italy has developed a number of different types of drip and drip irrigation equipment. The dripper has a drilling, capillary, crack, casing, filter, thread pressure suppressor and so on. Brand drip for irrigation citrus orchard use.