对次黄筒天牛 Oberea infratestocea Pic的形态学和生物学特性的研究,表明该虫在江苏太仓地区1年发生1代,以幼虫越冬。幼虫蛀食桑树枝条,成虫取食嫩叶和叶脉,寄主除桑树外,作者发现还有构树。本文还提出了次黄筒天牛的防治方法。
The morphological and biological characteristics of Oberea infratestocea Pic showed that the pest was overwintering in the Taicang area of Jiangsu Province for one year after one generation. Larvae eaten mulberry branches, adults feeding young leaves and veins, the host except mulberry, the author found that there are trees. This article also proposed the prevention and cure method of Bemisia tabaci.