
来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcttf2005
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1935年10月,中央红军长征到达陕北,成立陕甘宁边区政府。在13年的艰苦岁月中,边区税务人员做出了积极贡献,支援了抗日战争、解决战争,繁荣了边区经济。今天,让我们跟随作者一起,踏上陕北之旅,寻访红色税收的足迹……1935年10月,柿叶如丹,秋草凝霜。中央红军长征到达陕北。从此,陕北成了陕甘革命根据地和中共中央所在地。根据国共两党建 In October 1935, the Long March of the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi and the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region was established. In 13 years of hard years, the taxpayers in the border area made a positive contribution, supporting the war of resistance against Japan, settling the war and prospering the economy in the border areas. Today, let us follow the author, set foot on the journey to northern Shaanxi, looking for the footsteps of the red tax ... October 1935, persimmon leaves such as Dan, autumn grass cream. The Long March of the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi. Since then, northern Shaanxi became the revolutionary base of Shaanxi and Gansu and the seat of the CPC Central Committee. According to the KMT and the CPC to build
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