刘绍棠从小就潜心于写作,1952年他刚刚16岁时,文学创作就出现了引人注目的好势头,被称为“神童作家”。也就是这一年,他奉命调团中央工作,并引起了任团中央第一书记胡耀邦的注意。 有一天,胡耀邦叫秘书请来正在楼下办公的刘绍棠。胡耀邦开门见山地说:“我已经37岁了,从前也曾想过当作家,可是我这个人坐不住,喜欢动,所以注定是不会成‘家’的。”刘绍棠从谈话中明显感到胡耀邦对文学充满着喜爱,这使他有一种寻到了知音的感觉。 1957年春天,刘绍棠因为在北京的一次文艺界座谈会上发表了过激的谈话,所以在次年被
Liu Shaotang was absorbed in writing since he was young. When he was just 16 in 1952, literary creations came into prominence. He was known as a “prodigy writer.” That is, this year, he was ordered to transfer the work of the Central Committee and attracted the attention of Hu Yaobang, the first secretary of the Central Committee. One day, Hu Yaobang, the secretary, invited Liu Shaotang, who was working downstairs. Hu Yaobang said frankly: “I am 37 years old and I once thought of being a writer. However, I am not able to sit down and like to move, so I am destined not to become a ’home.’” Liu Shaotang clearly felt Hu Yaobang Full of love for literature, which gives him a sense of finding the familiar. In the spring of 1957, Liu Shaotang made an exaggerated remark at a literary and art world symposium in Beijing. In the following year, however,