语文——迈小步,不停步 1995年高考语文试卷基本方向是很明确的,它较好地体现了《考试说明》的精神:考基础,考能力。《考试说明》所列的30个考点,1995年的试卷涉及了28个,知识覆盖率达93%。这个精神,这个方向,这种广度,不会有根本的改变。 基本的精神不变,方向不变,试卷的结构不变,但并不意味着1996年的试卷会照猫画虎。事实上,每一年都有小的变化,即所谓“迈小步,不停步”。有的知识点,去年考了,今年可能不再考;同一知识点,所包括的具体内容也往往有若干方面,这也为试题内容的变化提供了条件。
Language - step by step, without stopping In 1995, the basic direction of the Chinese test paper for college entrance examination is very clear, it better reflects the spirit of the “exam description”: the test basis, test ability. Of the 30 test sites listed in the “Exam Description”, the 1995 test paper involved 28, and the knowledge coverage rate was 93%. This spirit, this direction, and breadth, will not change radically. The basic spirit remains the same and the direction remains unchanged. The structure of the paper remains unchanged, but it does not mean that the 1996 paper will be drawn as a tiger. In fact, there are small changes every year, that is, the so-called “small step, no stop.” Some knowledge points, last year’s exams, may not be examined this year; the same knowledge points, including the specific content often have several aspects, which also provides the conditions for the changes in the content of the questions.