一段时间以来(不是近几个月以来),关于中国画教育问题的议论一直不绝于耳。核心是,50余年来的艺术教育抹煞了中国画教育的“特点”,影响到传统中国画的发展,因此,希望建立以临摹为主务、以修炼“笔墨”为宗旨的符合中国画传统“特点”的艺术教育体系。 如果抽象地看,这样的议论是有道理的。但是,具体地深入地来讨论,或者付诸于实施,其中又有许多问题。首先是中国画的“特点”在现实的情境中说不清楚;再是中国画传统教育的“特点”是授徒的方式,可以说这种方式符合中国画的传统的“特点”,如果在新的世纪重新恢复这种授徒的方式,那么应该是从晨起给师父
For some time (not in recent months), there have been endless discussions on the issue of Chinese painting education. The core is that art education over the past 50 years erased the “characteristics” of Chinese painting education and affected the development of traditional Chinese painting. Therefore, it is hoped that the establishment of a “traditional Chinese painting” characterized by copying as the main task and cultivation of “pen and ink” Art education system. If you look abstractly, such arguments make sense. However, there are many problems to discuss in detail or to put into practice. First of all, the “characteristics” of Chinese painting can not be clearly understood in the real situation; and then the “characteristics” of traditional Chinese painting are the way of appointing disciples. It can be said that this method is in line with the traditional “characteristics” of Chinese painting. If in the new century The way to resume this apprentice should be to Master from morning