The “paradoxical rhetoric” puts the two opposite things together and makes them rhetorically connected. It is not the contrast in the usual sense, but the mutual infiltration and mutual infiltration of the features of the two irreconcilable things. Through the combination of the two, a new realm is created by the combination of the two. It not only shows a strong aesthetic taste in the aesthetics but also shows an extremely morally brutally awake in revealing the truth of nature and spirit. As a manifestation, “contradictory rhetoric” makes it possible to express what can not be expressed. As a method of thinking, it leads the consciousness to the depths that can not be reached by common sense. As a means of creation, it opens up a unified world full of paradoxes. Baudelaire used the term “paradoxical rhetoric” in his writing. The discussion of “contradictory rhetoric” can help us to clarify the connotation of some aspects of “deep rhetoric” advocated by Baudelaire. Compared with Hugo’s principle of “beauty and ugliness contrast”, Baudelaire is undoubtedly a kind of deepening and sublimation of aesthetics concept embodied by “contradictory rhetoric”. It reveals the depth of deep thought emotion or thought emotion, The inherent irreconcilable contradictions and paradoxes inspire a modern perspective that looks at the world and the mind.