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社会主义市场经济大潮的冲击,使我国垄断行业之一的铁路运输企业感受到了前所未有的震撼。公路、水运、航空多元化运输方式的竞争分流,使得铁路在交通运输市场中所占的份额不断下降,“铁老大”已失去了往日交通“霸主”的雄风。为夺回失去的市场,铁路运输企业近几年推出了一系列旨在竞争于运输市场的新“产品”。铁路“产品”的“品种”多了,“功能”增加了,但“产品质量”却没有根本性地改观。提高铁路运输“产品质量”的核心,是提高铁路运输现场的服务质量。而提高铁路运输现场服务质量的关键,是对多年来铁路运输企业在计划经济体制下形成的思想认识观念的彻底变革。 The impact of the tide of socialist market economy has made the railway transport enterprises, one of the monopoly industries in our country, felt the unprecedented shock. The competitive diversification of roads, waterways and airlines means that the railway’s share of the transportation market is declining. The iron boss has lost its glory in traffic and overlord. In order to regain lost markets, railroad companies have introduced a series of new “products” that are designed to compete in the transportation market in recent years. The number of “varieties” of the railway “products” is increased, and the number of “functions” increased. However, “product quality” has not been fundamentally changed. Raising the core of railway transportation “product quality ” is to improve the service quality on the railway transportation site. The key to improving the quality of on-site railway service is to revolutionize the concept of ideology formed by railway transport enterprises under the planned economy over the years.
习近平总书记说,“时间之河川流不息,每一代青年都有自己的际遇和机缘,都要在自己所处的时代条件下谋划人生、创造历史。” “牢牢锁定”个人志向与国家航向、“同步匹配”自身
目的探讨手术与保守治疗胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔的治疗效果。方法 90例胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔患者,随机分成对照组和实验组,各45例。对照组患者进行传统的手术治疗,实验组患者进行保