参加山东省干部函授大学学习的学员,大多数都抱着“跟上形势发展,多学点知识,提高能力”的强烈愿望参加学习。但是不少学员苦于工作忙,家庭困难多,学习时间不能集中的困扰。那么怎样解决工学矛盾提高学习效果呢?这就要根据函大自学与面授辅导相结合的特点,抓好函学“三环节”,即“课前预习、课堂笔记、课后复习。” 课前预习,是主动学习的首要环节。如果你能挤出一点时间预习一下教材内容,你就会做到心中有数,在
Most of the trainees who participated in the study of correspondence with Shandong Provincial Cadres attended the study with the strong desire of “keeping up with the development of the situation, learning more and improving their abilities.” However, many trainees suffer from busy work, family difficulties and learning problems that can not be concentrated. So how to solve the contradiction between work and study to improve the learning effect? This should be based on the combination of self-learning letters and face-to-face guidance, grasp the letter “three links” that "pre-class notes, class notes, review after class. Preview, is the first step in active learning. If you can squeeze a little time to preview the contents of the textbook, you will know what to expect