Study of the Electromagnetic Scattering from the Very Rough Fractal Sea Surface

来源 :理论物理通讯:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ty782406826
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In this paper, based on the fundamental formulae of the first-order and second-order Kirchhoff approx-imation mad with consideration of the shadowing effect, the backscattering enhancement of the one-dimensional very rough fractal sea surface with Pierson
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【正】 科学革命、技术革命和产业革命这三个概念,是从近代社会的历史发展过程中概括出来的。搞清这三个概念对认识当今时代新的科技革命只有一定的意义。科学革命是指自然科