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  【Abstrac】With the development of society and globalization, interpretation as a tool also accelerates the process of the intercultural communication. By comparison, the differences between these modes are clearly shown, regarding the merits and demerits of such training we can learn from each other efficiently.
  【Key words】Interpretation Training; Modes; Comparison; Thinking Pattern; Scientific and Systematic Theory
  Interpretation derives from the early period of human world can be divided into the interlingual and intralingual interpretation. Due to the demand of communication among different tribes that translation and interpretation came into being.
  Nowadays, many interpreters call for more research on interpretation theory and training modes.
  Chapter two Literature review
  2.1 Literature review home and abroad
  2.1.1 Literature review abroad
  There are four stages for interpretation development in western countries. During the pre-research period, there is no more theoretical researches except two brochures:Rozen(1956) and Herbert(1952).
  Then 1980s witnessed the role-shift of interpreters. The classic theory theorie du sens from ESIT emphasized the transmission of meaning instead of language structures.
  The last half of 1980s is the beginning of Renewal Period. From then, the research on interpretation becomes more scientific and cross-disciplinary.
  2.1.2 Literature review at home
  The development of interpretation in China started from the early period of 1980s without systematic theory. It was in 1996 that the first national conference on interpretation started the discussion on the reform of interpretation teaching. However, it was still without deeper discussion on theory.
  Nevertheless, the second national conference on interpretation in 1998 shows that the theory add into the teaching, but the research that time are not macro enough.
  Chapter Three Analysis on different interpretation training modes
  3.1 Comparison with different interpretation training modes
  3.1.1 Interpretation training modes in China
  The interpretation training as a formal project comes into being late in China.
  One of the famous interpretation training modes in this field is called Xiada Model from Xiamen University in China, they put up with a mode in depth based on the Effort Models created by Daniel Gile from France. Xiada Model is represented as I=S C P, that is Interpreting=Interpreting Skills Comprehension Production.   3.1.2 Interpretation training modes in western countries
  The interpretation research in western countries is based on the systematic and integrated theory.
  In 1995, professor Gile who is the prominent researcher on interpretation put up with the two most influential modes on simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting. The two formulas above reflect the two different interpreting process, in which Gile also emphasizes the importance of comprehension, and puts up another formula C=KL ELK A, that is Comprehension=Knowledge for the language Extra-Linguistic Knowledge Analysis.
  Chapter Four The influence of comparison between two typical modes
  In fact, the systematic and scientific training modes can be summarized from the interpretation training. As for interpreters, they need to keep the strong consciousness on multilingual thinking, and to know the different language systems. The researchers should start on the different thinking pattern, combining with the neurophysiology to explore the brain while receiving the source language, and how can source language be linked with and transferred into the target language in language area to stimulate to finish the interpretation. Besides, what need to pay attention is how can we take the special training of thinking in the transferring of bilateral-languages.
  Chapter Five Conclusion
  From the comparison, we found that there is a very large development space on this subject;we ought to pay more attention to the interpretation theory and explore the more scientific approach, besides, it also needs to strengthen the connection between interpretation and other subjects;the inspiration on the theoretical consciousness for interpreters is another essential part in training so that to help interpreters think and practice under the theories;what we really need are the pertinent principles and theories designed for Chinese interpreters.
  [1]Daniel Gile.Basic Concepts and Models of Interpreter and Translator Training[M].2nd Edition,The Netherlands:John Benjamins Publishing Company,1995.
【摘要】多元反馈在外语写作教学中有着举足轻重的作用。本文主要分析各种反馈形式的优势及不足,探讨如何使多元反馈更加有效,从而提升学生英语的写作热情,提高学生的写作能力。  【关键词】多元反馈;英语写作;有效性  【作者简介】邵娜,长春工业大学人文信息学院,副教授,研究方向:英语教学。  英语写作课程对教师与学生来讲都是一个较难的课程。教师的难在于要批阅大量的学生作文。很多教师要教授2-3个班级,有的
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《变形金刚2》电影在中国的票房表现也让人惊叹。继首日票房达到创纪录的3371万人民币后,《变形金刚2》更是成功击沉《泰坦尼克号》,用了19天突破3"4亿元的票房收入,成为国内最为卖座的电影。毫不夸张地说,无论是汽车人还是霸天虎,无论是擎天柱还是威震天,在导演迈克尔贝的电影里都有一个隐藏的变身技——印钞机。  事实上,在《变形金刚2》开拍时就引入了大量夺人眼球的卖点,机器人数量从前作的12个增加到现
【摘要】内容依托式外语教学(CBI)重视对语言内容和语言技能的训练。根据CBI理论,教师对语言材料进行解读,创设语言交际情境,使学生运用语言内容完成交际任务,实现语言内化。所以CBI视角下主题式听说教学提出教师在听说教学中应以教学内容为基础,创设主题语境,帮助学生在主题语境中使用英语,从而实现听与说的融合,帮助学生提高英语的实践应用能力。  【关键词】 CBI;主题式;听说教学  【作者简介】严琦
在TPc大行其道的潮流下,McE也顺势而上成为不少HTPc的标配系统。虽说微软正版wndows。P Mc都有遥篓器附送,但是对于那些喜欢自己DlY McE或是不慎将原装遥控器搞丢了的玩家来说,要想随心所欲地玩McE,就有些困难了。实,没有原装遥控器也不要紧,我们还有很多替代产品可以选择而且成本还很低!    目前,我们在市面上能找到两种“官方”的MCE遥控器,其一是随微软Windows MCE零售
【Abstract】With the development of modern educational reform and the increasing requirements of improving teaching quality of English in high schools, small-class teaching mode is becoming a more and m
【摘要】大量课外英语阅读是提高英语水平的首要学习途径。本文以三本院校武汉工商学院英语专业2011级学生为调查对象,采用问卷和访谈的方式,分析了目前三本院校英语专业学生的课外阅读情况,探讨了与其他一本院校英语专业学生及非英语专业英语学生的情况异同,有助于三本院校专业英语教师对学生阅读情况的深入了解,提升教师引导学生进行课外阅读的有效性。  【关键词】英语课外阅读 三本院校 英语专业  一、引言  大
【摘要】教育是培养人的社会活动,以人为本是社会主义教育的基本价值取向。教材是重要的课程资源,是促进学生全面和谐发展的教学依据。以学生为本、以学生发展为本是人教版小学英语教材编写的基本理念,基于人本视角,以学生为切入点分析故事文本的情节、语境、文本再现和人文内涵等特征,可以让学生更好地掌握英语语言基础知识和基本技能,形成良好的文化品格,促使学生初步形成综合语言运用能力,提升综合人文素养。  【关键词
【摘要】在素质教育深入推进的背景下,批判性思维作为一种新世纪学生必须具备的思维能力受到教育界的广泛关注。由于我国高中英语教育受到应试教育的影响,英语阅读教学注重语言知识和技能的培养,批判性思维作为一种重要的素质没有得到足够的重视。针对这一情况,笔者在本文中结合自身教学经验就如何在高中英语阅读教学培养学生批判性思维进行简要分析。  【关键词】高中英语 阅读教学 批判性思维  素质教育的深入贯彻和社会