Assessing mixing characteristics of particle-mixing and granulation devices

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akaiss
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The mixing of particulates such as powders is an important process in many industries including pharmaceuticals, plastics, household products (such as detergents) and food processing. The quality of products depends on the degree of mixing of their constituent materials which in turn depends on both geometric design and operating conditions. Unfortunately, due to lack of understanding of the interaction between mixer geometry and the granular material, limited progress has been made in optimizing mixer design. The discrete element method (DEM) is a computational technique that allows particle systems to be simulated and mixing to be predicted. Simulation is an effective way of acquiring information on the performance of different mixers that is difficult and/or expensive to obtain using traditional experimental approaches. Here we demonstrate how DEM can be used to unravel flow dynamics and assess mixing in several different types of devices. These devices used for mixing and/or granulation of particulates, are classified broadly as gravity controlled, bladed and high shear. We also explore the role of particle shape in mixing performance and use DEM to test whether Froude number scaling is suitable for predicting scale performance of rotating mixers. The mixing of particulates such as powders is an important process in many industries including pharmaceuticals, plastics, household products (such as detergents) and food processing. The quality of products depends on the degree of mixing of their constituent materials which in turn depends on both Geometric design and operating conditions. Unfortunately, due to lack of understanding of the interaction between mixer geometry and the granular material, limited progress has been made in optimizing mixer design. The discrete element method (DEM) is a computational technique that allows particle systems to be simulated and mixing to be predicted. Simulation is an effective way of acquiring information on the performance of different mixers that is difficult and / or expensive to obtain using traditional experimental approaches. Here we demonstrate how DEM can be used to unravel flow dynamics and assess mixing in several different types of devices. These devices used for mixing and / or granul We also explore the role of particle shape in mixing performance and use DEM to test whether Froude number scaling is suitable for predicting scale performance of rotating mixers.
[摘要]在物理实验教学中,使用计算机通过虚拟技术来进行实验操作的DISLab系统应用方兴未艾,其具有的优势及较好的实验效果不可否认,但也应清醒地看到它存在着一些美中不足,本文对辩证看待该系统在实际教学的应用进行分析探讨。  [关键词]DISLab;应用;注意事项  作者:北京信息职业技术学院  20世纪末,随着国家对教育体制改革的深入,各级各类学校纷纷利用现代技术手段来提高教育水平,把现代教育技术
广东省金属学会于1999年5月19日在清远市清新县 坑镇,召开四届(?)次理事会,出席会议有理事长张希廷、副理事长叶锦能、曾德新、张若生、徐静幽、秘书长李文 常务理事苏卫放
Preliminary work by our research team revealed that Schisandra, a renowned traditional Chinese medicine, causes learning and memory improvements in ovariectomiz