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教研组长是教师开展教学研究活动的组织者和主持人。一个教研组的活动开展得好不好,固然要靠教师,但关键则在教研组长能否有效地发挥组织作用.下面谈谈我当教研组长的一些做法与体会.一、积极抓好实践课.实践课又有人称为研究课、公开课、观摩课,虽然说法不一,角度不同,但都是为互相交流教学经验,达到共同提高的目的.组长应该带头上实践课,全组教师也都应该参加.每人每学年轮流搞一次较合适.这种轮流搞实践课的办法形成制度,可使每位教师得到锻炼.搞实践课贵在态度认真.首先要从实际出发,明确目的任务,确 The head of the teaching and research group is the organizer and moderator of the teachers’ teaching and research activities. The activities of a teaching and research group have been well carried out. Of course, it depends on teachers, but the key is whether or not the head of the teaching and research team can effectively play an organizational role. Let’s talk about some of the practices and experiences of the head of the teaching and research team. I. Actively focus on practical lessons. Practice Some of the classes were also called research classes, open classes, and observation classes. Although there were different opinions and different perspectives, they were all aimed at exchanging teaching experience with each other and achieving common improvement. The team leaders should take the lead in practice classes, and the entire group of teachers are also Everyone should participate in each school year. It is more appropriate for each person to take turns in practice. This kind of system of forming practice courses in turn will enable every teacher to get exercised. The practice is expensive and you must be serious. At first you must start from reality and make clear the purpose and task. Sure
授课课题《普通高中课程标准实验教科书数学(A 版)》选修2-1 (人教版),第二章圆锥曲线与方程2.3.1 双曲线及其标准方程,第一课时.教材分析双曲线的定义及标准方程与椭圆的定
Microsoft PowerPoint是个很实用的多媒体演示软件,但在具体制作过程中,会为有些创作构想得不到软件的支持而苦恼。其实,变通一下就会柳暗花明。
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