
来源 :交通企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenanji
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近几年来,随着国家有关方针的贯彻、各项调控措施的落实,很多企业积极采取措施,解放思想,转换机制,开拓经营,强化竞争手段,千方百计减缓生产滑坡,经济运行呈良好态势,市场应变能力有所增强,经营状况大都有所好转。但是由于种种不利因素的影响,企业经济效益并不理想,有的甚至亏损愈来愈严重。这除了市场因素等外部原因外,更多地则是企业内部管理方面存在问题。 一是管理水平低下。由于历史的、体制的、素质的 In recent years, with the implementation of relevant national guidelines and the implementation of various regulatory measures, many enterprises have actively taken measures to emancipate the mind, change mechanisms, expand operations, and strengthen competition means. We have tried our best to slow down the production decline, and the economic operation has been in a good state. Resilience has been enhanced and business conditions have improved. However, due to the influence of various unfavorable factors, the economic efficiency of enterprises is not ideal, and even some losses are even more serious. Apart from external factors such as market factors, this is more of a problem in the internal management of companies. The first is the low level of management. Due to historical, institutional, quality
中共湖北 省党史中,有31 位省委书记在 新民主主义革 命斗争中英勇 献身,而其中沈 泽民的革命事 迹却鲜为人知, 他在鄂豫皖革 命根据地的经 历是其革命生 涯中最悲壮、最 浓烈的一