“美术”这一学科名称,在中国已存在和使用了100年。做为一个专门学科,无论是正式的书面表达还是口头表达, 在中国都明确指向视觉艺术或造型艺术,具体包括:绘画、雕塑、建筑和工艺四大门类。这已经是家喻户晓和熟练使用的词语和概念。做为一门学科,“美术”这一名称不论是学术研究机构和专业团体,还是艺术教育及普及、出版传播和商业等领域,在冠名的使用上都已成为不可替代的学科名称。但由于“美术”和“艺术”做为一百年前从西方输入的外来语,它们都源于同一英文单词“art”,在正式的书面表达和对艺术文献原文的翻译上存在着普遍混乱现象,而在西方及世界许多国家的辞典解释和实际运用中,“art”从来就没有像中国
The subject of “art” has existed and been used in China for 100 years. As a specialized discipline, whether it is formal written expression or oral expression, all of China clearly points to the visual arts or plastic arts, including the four categories of painting, sculpture, architecture and crafts. This is already a well-known and proficient use of words and concepts. As a discipline, the name “art” has become an irreplaceable subject in both the academic research institutions and professional bodies, arts education and popularization, publishing and communications, and commerce. However, since “fine arts” and “art” are loanwords imported from the West a hundred years ago, they all originated from the same English word “art”, and there was widespread confusion in the formal written expression and the translation of the original text of the art document , While in the dictionaries and practical applications of many countries in the West and in the world, “art” has never been like China