我珍藏了一张地铁一号线的一元面值的磁卡。 我对地铁有着一种特殊的感情,困为我的家就住在地铁一号线刚开通时的终点站——虹梅路的近旁。没有地铁的时候,我常常要为出行的不便而烦恼,而地铁则轻而易举地让这种烦恼烟消云散了。地铁神奇地穿越了地平面上的喧哗和拥挤,把握着自身的速度,也不必管红灯和绿灯,它给人的纷烦心情以一泻千里的快感。地铁,仿佛是都市“过滤”后的一种延伸。 只要不是人流高峰时段,乘坐地铁更是一种享受。可以静心地观察车厢里的每个人,可以轻轻松松地看书报,也可以面对忽明忽暗的窗玻璃不受干扰地想心事……地铁给人以远离尘烟的洒脱,让情感之舟任意驰骋。
I have a collection of one yuan of the subway line card value. I have a special feeling for the subway, sleepy for my home to live in the metro line just opened when the terminal - near Hongmei Road. When there is no subway, I often have to worry about the inconvenience of traveling, and the subway easily makes such troubles disappear. Subway magically across the surface of the noise and crowded, to seize their own speed, do not control the red light and the green light, it gives the mood to frustration thrown of pleasure. Metro, as if the city “filter” after an extension. As long as it is not the rush hour, take the subway is a pleasure. You can meditate to observe each person in the car, you can easily read newspapers and magazines, you can also face the flicker of the window glass undisturbed to think ... ... Metro gives away from the smoke of smoke and ease, so emotional boat Free ride.