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清乾隆四年由武英殿刊刻的《十三经注疏》①以明万历北京国子监刻本为底本重刻,因此在内容、形式的许多方面都继承了北监本的特点。例如,武英殿本的刊刻基本承袭了北监本的字形,所以二者十分相近。但有些字的字形也做了一些改刻。其中情形,道及者迄无。今以《尚书·尧典》篇为例,对监本、殿本字形存在的普遍差异做简要分析,以见殿本改刻字形之一斑。一、以《康熙字典》为准的改刻从北监本到武英殿本,字形的变化基本上 In the four years of Qianlong reign, the “Thirteen Scriptures and Inscriptions” inscribed by Wu Yingdian ① were inscribed on the basis of the inscriptions of the Beijing Imperial Academy of Ming Dynasty on Ming Dynasty. Therefore, they inherit the characteristics of the Northern Supervisors in many aspects of content and form. For example, the inscription of Wu Yingdian basically inherits the glyph of Beijian, so the two are very similar. However, some glyphs have also made some modifications. Among them, the situation and the road to nothing. Taking ShangShan YaoDian as an example, this article briefly analyzes the common differences in the shape of the emperors and the emperors, so as to see the etymology of the etymology of the emperors. First, to “Kangxi Dictionary” subject to the reform from the North Supervisor to Wu Yingdian Ben, glyph changes basically
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