
来源 :人民检察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jql
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安徽省当涂县位于安徽省的东部,皖江大开发的前沿,区位优势明显,经济发展迅速,是全省县级经济的领跑者。当涂县人民检察院围绕基层检察院科学发展主题,立足司法办案、业务管理、检务公开等实际需求,坚持思想引领、问题导向、应用为本、软硬并举,认真落实科技强检战略,不断加快科技强检步伐,取得明显成效。2015年被最高检授予“全国科技强检示范院”称号。该院的主要 Dangtu County in Anhui Province is located in the eastern part of Anhui Province, the forefront of the development of Anhui Province, obvious location advantages, rapid economic development, is the province’s county-level economy leader. Dangtu County People’s Procuratorate, based on the scientific development theme of grass-roots procuratorates, based on the actual needs of the judicial handling of cases, business management, procuratorial work open, adhere to the ideological guidance, problem-oriented, application-oriented, both software and hardware, conscientiously implement the strategy of science and technology inspection, accelerating Strong pace of technology inspection, achieved remarkable results. In 2015, it was awarded the title of “National Science and Technology Examination Center”. The main hospital
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