中日贸易战愈演愈烈 2001年4月10日,日本政府单方面决定,依据WTO协定第19条和日本国内的关税税率法,从当月23日至11月8日对主要从中国进口的大葱,鲜香菇和灯心草实施紧急限制进口措施(见下表)。据《日本经济新闻》的报道、进口配额是根据1997年——1999年这三年间的平均进口量为基准确定的,相当于过去200天内的基准量,进口配额以内的进口量实行3%—6%的关税。
On April 10, 2001, the Japanese government unilaterally decided that according to Article 19 of the WTO Agreement and the tariff and tariff law in Japan, from 23 January to 8 November of the same month, the Japanese green onions imported mainly from China, fresh Shiitake mushrooms and rushes to implement emergency restrictions on imports (see table below). According to the report of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the import quotas are based on the average imports during the three years between 1997 and 1999, which is equivalent to the baseline for the past 200 days. The import volume within the import quotas is 3% 6% tariff.