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  全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT) 七级试题的听力部分共有三道大题,即句子填空(Sentences),对话听写与理解(Dialogues),短文理解(Passage),满分20分。下面我们以全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)2020年冬季测试七级试题的部分听力为例进行解析。(保留原题号)
  I. 句子填空 (Sentences) (共5小题,计5分)
  4. A. The speaker won’t go camping in a cold season like this any more from now on.
  B. The speaker is enjoying the camping now, even though it’s quite a cold season.
  C. The speaker’s last camping was very enjoyable, and she liked this cold season.
  5. A. Lucy is worried about the maths test because she isn’t good at maths.
  B. Lucy does well in maths and she doesn’t worry about the coming test.
  C. Lucy doesn’t like maths because she thinks it’s too difficult for her.
  4. W: I can’t stand the cold any more, and it’s my last camping in this terrible season.
  5. M: Lucy will never be concerned about the coming maths test because she’s quite good at it.
  【答案】 4—5 AB
  【答题技巧】 在解答此类句子填空题时,要注意听清句子的意思,根据句意选择正确的答案。平时我们还应熟练掌握日常交际用语。听音时要正确判断出句子的语言交际功能,在正确理解说话人意图的基础上作出正确选择。
  II. 对话听写与理解 (Dialogues) (共10小题,计12.5分)
  6. M: Hey, do you know that Jim has a great interest in ___ ___?
  W: Sure, and I also know that he’s going to be an ___ soon.
  7. W: Dad, I find it too difficult for me to play soccer as well as my classmates.
  M: Oh, why ___ ___ ___ ___ make some improvement every day and see what
  8. M: Andy, what do you think of Professor Smith’s lecture this morning?
  W: Well, if he had spoken ___ ___ ___ ___ I might understand half of what he talked about.
  9. W: Mr. Mayor, could you please tell us something about the new charity project?
  M: Yes, of course. It aims to make the lives of ___ ___ ___ people much better.
  10. M: Amber, come and check this out! Is that William? I just can’t believe my eyes.
  W: Yes, that’s him. He looks much healthier and happier ___ ___ ___ his former self, right?
  (B) 請听下面一段长对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,简要回答下列五个问题。此段长对话读两遍。(每小题1.5分)(请将答案写在答题纸上)
  11. What’s Ada doing?
   _____                              ____________   _
  12. How many bicycles are there in the world?    _____                              ____________   _
  13. When was the first bicycle invented?
   _____                              ____________   _
  14. Who does Ada believe drew a picture of a bicycle first?
   _____                              ____________   _
  15. What advice did Robert give Ada on the information from the Internet?
   _____                              ____________   _
  Part II. Dialogues
  (A) Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues and fill in the blanks by using the words you have heard. Each dialogue will be read TWICE.
  6. M: Hey, do you know that Jim has a great interest in fixing things?
  W: Sure, and I also know that he’s going to be an engineer soon.
  7. W: Dad, I find it too difficult for me to play soccer as well as my classmates.
  M: Oh, why don’t you try to make some improvement every day and see what happens?
  8. M: Andy, what do you think of Professor Smith’s lecture this morning?
  W: Well, if he had spoken a little bit slowly I might understand half of what he talked about.
  9. W: Mr. Mayor, could you please tell us something about the new charity project?
  M: Yes, of course. It aims to make the lives of poor and homeless people much better.
  10. M: Amber, come and check this out! Is that William? I just can’t believe my eyes.
  W: Yes, that’s him. He looks much healthier and happier in contrast to his former self, right?                                                                                                                                                (B) Please listen to the following long dialogue and answer the five questions briefly according to the dialogue you have heard. The long dialogue will be read TWICE.   M: May I come in, Ada? What are you doing?
  W: Hi, Robert! Please come in. I’m reading about bicycles.
  M: Oh, you’re doing research for the next lecture.
  W: That’s right. Did you know there are over a billion bicycles in the world?
  M: Only a million?
  W: No, one billion, apparently. It says here that it was invented in the 19th century by Kirkpatrick Macmillan and now there are a billion.
  M: When was it invented? I mean the bicycle.
  W: In 1839 ... Wow!
  M: What?
  W: According to this, the speed record for a bicycle is 268 kilometres an hour. It was set in 1995. Apparently, he was riding behind a car.
  M: It’s interesting, Ada!
  W: Yes, Robert. But it seems that Leonardo da Vinci actually drew a picture of a bicycle more than 300 years earlier.
  M: Pardon? Who drew a bicycle?
  W: Da Vinci. D-A and V-I-N-C-I. The famous Italian painter and inventor drew a bicycle.
  M: No, he didn’t! I read about that. Apparently someone else drew the bicycle in Leonardo’s notebook in 1970.
  W: Are you sure? But it says here that he did it.
  M: Maybe—but you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the Internet.
  【答案】 (A) 6. fixing things; engineer 7. don’t you try to 8. a little bit slowly 9. poor and homeless 10. in contrast to
  (B) 11. Reading (about bicycles). / Surfing the Internet. / Doing research for the next lecture.
  12. Over a / one billion.
  13. In 1839.
  14. Da Vinci. / Leonardo Da Vinci.
  15. She shouldn’t believe everything (she reads) on the Internet.
  【答題技巧】 对话听写与理解题型的(A)部分为根据五组小对话进行词语填空,题目中已知信息的关键词在录音中以原形出现,这种情况下考生能在关键词念完之后直接听出正确答案。这种考查形式难度较低,听音时,考生应着重听录音中关键词出现的地方,找出空格处要填入的答案。对话听写与理解题型(B)部分为听长对话简要回答问题,在听音时,要注意以下几点:(1)抓住对话开头部分以及对话的提问方的问题,理解对话内容核心;(2)扼要记录,以助辨认事实;(3)抓住对话结尾部分,弄清对话结果。
  (全国中小学英语学习成绩测试组委会办公室  提供)
◆ 语法点击  I. 被动语态的概念和构成。  被动语态是英语动词的一种特殊形式,表示句子的主语是动作的承受者,也就是动作的对象。一般说来,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。不及物动词通常不能用于被动语态,但是若其后和某些小品词(介词或副词)连用构成短语动词后,相当于一个及物动词,此时可以用于被动语态。被动语态是由“助动词be+过去分词”(有时也可用“get+过去分词”)构成。被动语态的时态
一、写作常用词。  (A) 根据汉语提示填写单词。  1. ___ adj. 适合的;适宜的  2. ___ adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的  3. ___ vt. 使适应;改编  4. ___ adj. 同伴的;同类的 n. 同伴;伙伴  5. ___ adj. 足够的;充分的  6. ___ adj. 方便的;有用的  7. ___ n. 社区;团体;社会  8. ___ n. 公司
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