【摘 要】
瑞雪兆丰年, 鸡年有吉 展,碧海(廊 坊)2005年 春季钓具展 销订货会于 2月17-19日如 期举行。正月初七一场纷纷扬扬的大雪,非但没有挡住天南地北客人的参展脚步,反而给大会的
瑞雪兆丰年, 鸡年有吉 展,碧海(廊 坊)2005年 春季钓具展 销订货会于 2月17-19日如 期举行。正月初七一场纷纷扬扬的大雪,非但没有挡住天南地北客人的参展脚步,反而给大会的环境平添了一种银装素裹的妖娆。场外车水马龙,场内人头攒动,来自国内外的1200多家参展企业和数千名采购商在室内外2300多个展位上平等竞争,相互交流,一展风采,尽显才华。
In the year of Ruifeng Megan, there is an exhibition for the Year of the Rooster, and the Bihai (Langfang) 2005 spring fishing tackle exhibition and sales fair will be held on February 17-19. In the first month of the first month of the seventh month, a large amount of snow, not only did not block the pace of visitors from the north to the south, but added a silvery enchanting to the environment of the conference. On the other side of the road, the stadium was full of people, and more than 1,200 exhibitors and thousands of buyers from home and abroad competed in equal numbers in more than 2,300 indoor and outdoor booths. They exchanged their ideas and showed off their talents.
俄罗斯联邦政府于2004年12月15日在莫斯科发布关于不再执行新闻纸出口税率的第790号令。内容如下: 俄罗斯联邦政府令: 1.确定不再执行俄罗斯联邦政府于1999年12月9日发布的《
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