清明刚过,100多位著名茶人,循着有1200多年历史的长兴顾渚紫笋第一缕清香, 云集上海新元大酒店。以茶为媒,弘扬紫笋文化,结交各界茶人,由长兴县人民政府与上海市茶叶协会联合主办的“中国贡茶之最——长兴顾渚紫笋品茗推介会”,是长兴人捧出的一张弥漫着文化芬芳的绿色名片。长兴的茶文化历史,由此将添上充满魅力的一笔。
Ching Ming just passed, more than 100 famous tea, followed by more than 1200 years of Changxing Guzhu purple bamboo shoots the first fragrance, gathered in Shanghai Xinyuan Hotel. Tea as a medium, carry forward the culture of purple bamboo shoots, make friends from all walks of life, by the Changxing County People’s Government and the Shanghai Tea Association jointly sponsored the “China tribute tea - Changxing Guzhu purple shoots tea promotion meeting” is Changxing Out of a green card filled with cultural fragrance. Changxing tea culture history, which will add a touch of charm.