1 medical records with children, 9 years old. Because of the trunk appeared coffee stains for 8 years, sudden disturbance of consciousness 12h, diagnosed as intraventricular hemorrhage in March 21, 2010 into our hospital neurosurgical treatment. 1 year old children in the trunk appeared scattered coffee stains, with increasing age patch gradually increased, no symptoms. Family history: parents marry non-relatives, his father has a history of neurofibromatosis. Childhood children with whole body pigmentation of his childhood, about 14 years old torso appeared in the skin of varying sizes, skin lesions gradually increased and increased (Figure 1). Accompanied by learning disabilities and mental retardation. Whole body skin is more relaxed, the trunk can be seen dozens of peas to the pigeon egg hanging mass, soft texture, touch can be recessed, such as the sense of cloth bag, no tenderness. During the scattered freckles