
来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbhszs
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生产力的发展是税收产生和发展的基础,而税收又是促进生产力发展的有效手段。我们税务机关认真学习“三个代表”的重要思想,就要充分发挥好税收职能,当好先进生产力发展要求的代表。一、发挥好税收调控职能,做经济发展的“稳压器”。从宏观经济角度看,当经济发展过热时, The development of productivity is the basis for tax revenue generation and development, and tax revenue is an effective measure to promote the development of productivity. If our tax authorities conscientiously study the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ they should give full play to their taxation functions and become representatives of the requirements of the development of advanced productive forces. First, play a good tax regulatory functions, economic development, “regulator.” From a macroeconomic perspective, when the economy is overheated,
用常压金属化学气相沉积法(MOCVD)在Si(111)衬底上制备了马赛克结构ZnO单晶薄膜。引入低温Al N缓冲层以阻止衬底氧化、缓解热失配和晶格失配。薄膜双晶X射线衍射2θ/ω联动扫
从中国美术馆到广东美术馆,“其命惟新——广东美术百年大展”8月4日起“回家”展出。该展由中共广东省委宣传部、广东省文化厅、广东省文学艺术界联合会、中国美术馆、广东美术馆联合主办。是近年来针对广东美术难得一见的权威学术总结,系统回顾这一地域美术自近代以来的发展脉络。  广东在百年间以勇开风气之先而立潮头浪尖,但发展至今,如何在艺术方面传承与发展仍然有一种隐含的群体焦虑。正因如此,主办方借此次大展,以