奥地利指挥家卡洛斯·克莱伯(Carlos Kleiber)于7月13日在斯洛文尼亚的度假别墅中与世长辞。十天前,他刚刚度过七十四周岁生日。7月17日他的家属按照克莱伯的遗愿,在距卢布尔雅那(Ljubljana) 以东60公里的小镇Konjsica将他与已故的妻子合葬。斯洛文尼亚是他母亲和妻子的故乡。生性羞涩的大艺术家,与世长辞后着实安宁了片刻,因为他的亲属们对此秘而不宣,噩耗直到7月19日下午才开始在欧洲传开。由于他的子女拒绝证实其死讯,为避以讹传讹,奥新社和德国巴伐利亚歌
Austrian conductor Carlos Kleiber died on July 13 in a holiday home in Slovenia. Ten days ago, he just passed the 74th birthday. On July 17, his family, according to Kleber’s wishes, buried him with his late wife Konjsica, a small town 60 kilometers east of Ljubljana. Slovenia is the hometown of his mother and wife. The generous and shy big artist lived in peace for a moment after his death, as his relatives kept their eyes open and the bad news spread to Europe only on the afternoon of July 19th. Due to his children’s refusal to confirm their deaths and to avoid corrupt comments, the Austrian Press Agency and the German Bavarian song