Analysis of the relationship between microblogging users' affections and users' satisfacti

来源 :Journal of Library Science in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangtang4211
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Micro blogging companies are facing troubles that the user activity is decreasing and older users stop using it. Limited affections are studied but almost none of the researchers explores micro blogging users’ affective experience as well as the relationship between affection and satisfaction. We asked participants to recall and write down their most frequently experienced affections in the last month while they were using micro blogging. Westbrook’s method was applied to measure frequency of the 16 affections that are reported by more than 1% subjects in step one, and 7 level Liker scale was adopted to measure the frequency of affections that were experienced by every subject in the last week. Meanwhile, satisfaction questionnaire was sent out to measure users’ satisfaction through Internet and finally 155 validated ones were collected. Accordingly, the usage of micro blogging is a positive affection-driven process, the mean value of users’ satisfaction is 3.82(5 level scale, SD=0.514), which means that users’ satisfaction is above the average level. Along with the increasing of experience, the relationship between positive affections and satisfaction gradually enhances. This paper will make up some distinct shortages of ECM-ISC. Micro blogging companies are facing troubles that the user activity is decreasing and older users stop using it. Limited affections are studied but almost none of the researchers explores micro blogging users’ affective experience as well as the relationship between affection and satisfaction. recall and write down their most frequently experienced affections in the last month while they were using micro blogging. Westbrook’s method was applied to measure frequency of the 16 affections that were reported by more than 1% subjects in step one, and 7 level Liker scale was adopted to measure the frequency of affections that were for by every subject in the last week. However, the usage of micro blogging is a positive affection-driven process, the mean value of users’ satisfaction is 3.82 (5 level scale, SD = 0.514 Along with the increasing of experience, the relationship between positive affections and 满如 enhances. This paper will make up some distinct shortages of ECM-ISC.
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