1临床资料患者,女性,49岁,因腹胀3个月加重15 d后于2013年2月26日来院检查,主诉9年前因左侧卵巢囊肿蒂扭转行左侧卵巢切除术。入院检查:体温36.7℃,心率82次/分,血压16.0/10.3 kPa(120/77mmHg)。查体:腹部膨隆,未见胃肠型及蠕动波,肝、脾肋下未触及,腹部柔软,可触及隆起包块,约40cm×35cm×20 cm,质中,活动差,无触痛,无移动性浊音,肠鸣音正常。心电图、胸片、心脏彩超均未见异常。全腹CT示:腹腔囊性占位。彩色超声检查:腹盆腔内可见一巨大囊实性肿物,上界至剑突,下
1 clinical data, female, 49 years old, due to abdominal distension increased 15 months after 3 months on February 26, 2013 to the hospital for examination, complained of the left ovarian cyst 9 years ago twisted left ovariectomy. Admission examination: body temperature 36.7 ℃, heart rate 82 beats / min, blood pressure 16.0 / 10.3 kPa (120 / 77mmHg). Examination: bulging abdomen, no gastrointestinal and peristaltic waves, liver, spleen ribs untouched, soft belly, palpable bulging mass, about 40cm × 35cm × 20cm, quality, poor activity, no tenderness, No movement dullness, bowel sounds normal. ECG, chest radiograph, no abnormal color Doppler echocardiography. Full abdominal CT showed: cystic abdominal space. Color ultrasound: Abdominal pelvic mass visible cystic mass, upper bound to xiphoid, under