无锡市崇安区广益镇位于城郊结合部 ,全镇本地人口 2 2 6 88人 ,登记居住外来人口 2 15 38人 ,流动人口聚散频繁。广益中心小学地处 312国道旁 ,周围有多个大型建材市场和农贸市场 ,小学在校学生135 0名 ,外地籍学生占 36 .37%。 2 0 0 2年 2月 2 0日至 3月 30日 ,广益镇中心小
Guangyi Town, Chong’an District, Wuxi City, located in the junction of suburbs and suburbs, has a population of 2 2688 and a population of 2 1538. The floating population is frequently scattered. Kwong Yi Center Primary School is located beside the 312 State Road, surrounded by a number of large building materials market and farmers market, primary school 135 students, foreign students accounted for 36.37%. From February 20 to March 30, Guangyi Town Center was small