Immunocytochemical localization of neuropeptide Y,serotonin, substance P and β-endorphin in optic ga

来源 :中国海洋湖沼学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaoDang
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s By using immunocytochemistry method of Strept Avidin-Biotin-Complex, four kinds of antisera raised against rabbits were applied to observe the immunoreactive neurons and neuropils of serotonin (5-HT), neuropeptide Y (NPY), substance P(SP) and β-Endorphin (β-Ep) in optic ganglia and brain of Metapenaeus ensis. The results showed that, the 5-HT-immunoreactive cells were located in all the four neuropils of optic ganglia. Immunoreactivity of 5-HT was detected in anterior medial protocerebrum neuropils (AMPN), and the inner and outer lateral beside olfactory lobe (OL) of deutocerebrum. The presence of NPY-immunoreactive cells was found in all the four neuropils of the optic ganglia.NPY-immunoreactivity occurred in the anterior median cell cluster, lateral cell cluster of protocerebrum,and cell cluster beside OL and AMPN. SP-immunoreactivity was found in medulla terminalis (MT) of optic ganglia, and lateral cell cluster of protocerebrum and posterior lateral cell cluster of tritocerebrum.β-Ep-immunoreactive cells were in MT only. In conclusion, these specific distribution patterns of the four immunoreactive substances can be used as morphological clues for understanding their different neurophysiological functions.
为进一步研究Wzt蛋白在光滑型脂多糖合成路径中的作用,本试验利用PCR技术,以羊种布鲁氏菌16 M株基因组为模板,扩增出大小为759 bp的Wzt基因片段,将其连入pMD20-T载体,测序正
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针对中药制剂生产废水有机物浓度高、成分复杂、水量变化大的特点,某药业公司废水处理采用了高、低浓度废水分质处理的方法。为满足《黄河流域(陕西段)污水综合排放标准》(DB 61/224—2011)的一级标准,对高浓度废水采用了稀释、UASB、Fenton试剂氧化的组合处理工艺,其出水再与低浓度废水混合为综合废水,经生物接触氧化、曝气生物滤池组合工艺处理后,出水水质达到了排放标准。
针对已建污水处理厂的恶臭气体污染情况,对生化池、细格栅机和沉砂池进行加盖密闭后,选用生物滤池处理工艺对产生的恶臭气体进行处理,介绍了除臭系统工程设计、投资运行费用及日常运行管理的注意事项。工程实践表明,处理后排放的尾气中NH3、H2S和臭气浓度指标均达到《恶臭污染物排放标准》(GB 14554—93)的二级标准。
为获得半亚硝化系统中强温室气体N2 O减量化释放的控制参数,采用SBR处理人工合成高氨废水(进水氨氮质量浓度约为600 mg·L-1),考察不同进水pH(75,80和85)对N2O释放特性的影响