红叶石楠(Photinia x frasery)是蔷薇科石楠属杂交种的统称,为常绿小乔木,因其鲜红色的新梢和嫩叶而得名。红叶石楠栽培品种、变种或杂交种很多,国外园林中常用的有“Red Robin”、“Birmingham”、“Rubusta“、“Indian Princess”、“Kentucky”、“Rubens”、“Rosea Marginata”、“Variegata”等。其红叶红色程度、形态特征和树型等各有特点,生态特性也有差异。国内引进的有红罗宾(Red Robin)和红唇(Red Tip)两个品种,其中红罗宾的叶色鲜艳夺目,观赏性更佳。春秋两季,红叶石楠的新梢和嫩叶火红,色彩艳丽持久,极具生机。在夏季高温时节,叶片转为亮绿色,为炎炎夏日中带来清新凉爽之感。
Photinia x frasery is a collective name for Rosaceae hybrids, an evergreen small tree named for its bright red shoots and young leaves. There are many cultivars, varieties or hybrids of heather leaves in the world. Commonly used in overseas gardens are Red Robin, Birmingham, Rubusta, Indian Princess, Kentucky, Rubens, Rosea Marginata, Variegata ”and so on. The red leaves of red degree, morphological characteristics and tree types have their own characteristics, ecological characteristics are also different. There are two varieties of Red Robin and Red Tip which are introduced in China. Among them, the red robin leaves are colorful and attractive. Spring and autumn, red leaves young shoots and tender leaves, colorful and lasting, very alive. In summer hot season, the leaves turn bright green, bringing a fresh and cool feeling to the hot summer.