William Golding adopted a unique method of characterization in his novel Lord of the Flies. First of all, he organically combined symbolism with realistic techniques to create a series of character images that embody abstract concepts, which are both flesh-and-blood and authentic. Second, he made a comparative description between the characters and the characters’ own words and deeds, so as to vividly demonstrate the character traits of these characters. At the same time, he deliberately sets the age of schoolchildren in the book to a very small age, and then portrays them by their older characters in some chapters, thereby emphasizing on one hand the theme of the evil of human nature and on the other hand at Show the inner world when the characters get full performance. In addition, Golding used Freudian psychoanalytic theory to explore and reveal the deep and essential aspects of human nature, and thus demonstrated the true nature of man after losing his super-control.