患者 男,60岁。主因上腹不适1年,胃痛伴呕吐、消瘦、乏力1个月入院。查体于上腹部可见胃型,并于上腹部偏左触及3cm×3cm×3cm、质硬、不活动肿物,震水音阳性。经胃镜及上消化道造影检查诊为胃癌、幽门梗阻。经支持疗法,胃肠减压,洗胃及纠正水、电解质,酸碱平衡失调等术前准备后行乒术治疗。术中发现于胃小弯有一溃疡型肿物,12cm×6cm×6cm大小,累及整个胃小弯侧及胃窦部。区域淋巴
Male patient, 60 years old. The main cause of epigastric discomfort for 1 year, stomach pain associated with vomiting, weight loss, fatigue for 1 month admission. Examination showed gastric type in the upper abdomen, and touched 3cm × 3cm × 3cm in the left side of the upper abdomen, hard, inactive mass, positive shock water sound. Gastric cancer and pyloric obstruction were diagnosed by endoscopy and upper gastrointestinal angiography. After supportive therapy, gastrointestinal decompression, gastric lavage and correction of water, electrolytes, acid-base balance, etc., preoperative preparation followed by ping operation. In the operation, it was found that there was an ulcer mass in the minor curvature of the stomach, which was 12cm×6cm×6cm in size and involved the small curvature of the stomach and the gastric antrum. Regional lymph