莫扎特的健康状况很糟。但是,他属于那种人病心不病,绝不因病放弃工作和斗争的病人。他主张世界大同和团结互助,7年以前他就是共济会会员,他的家成了奥地利精英人物们最喜欢的会晤场所。作为虔诚的和勤勉的共济会会员,他以音乐为各种仪式和活动服务。他创作的歌剧《迷人的长笛》差一点被当局禁演,原因是该歌剧过于明显地宣扬共济会精神。 12月5日,门外大雪纷飞。他挣扎着想写点什么,但未能如愿。不久,他就停止了呼吸。他把一切都献给了大地。
Mozart’s bad health. However, he belongs to the kind of sick patient who never gave up his work or struggle because of illness. He advocated solidarity and solidarity in the world. He was a Freemason since seven years ago. His family has become a favorite meeting place for the elite Austrian people. As a devout and diligent Masonic, he serves with music for ceremonies and events. The opera “Charming Flute” he produced was almost banned by the authorities because the opera proclaimed the Masonic spirit too conspicuously. December 5, snow outside the door. He struggled to write something, but failed to do so. Soon, he stopped breathing. He dedicated everything to the earth.