近日,科技基础工作专项“棉花病害种类、生理小种分布、为害调查及抗性快速鉴定”项目通过了孙九林院士等专家的验收。中国农科院科技管理局副局长陆建中主持验收会。该项目完成了棉花病害种类、分布和黄萎病流行规律全国性调查工作,获取了大量基础性数据和病原菌材料,从主产棉区10个省份75市县收集、鉴定了棉花病原1 081份,其中黄萎病病原315份;分析了黄萎病病原
Recently, the basic science and technology work “cotton disease species, distribution of physiological races, damage investigation and resistance rapid identification ” project passed the acceptance of experts such as Sun Julin. Lu Jianzhong, deputy director of Science and Technology Administration of China Academy of Agricultural Sciences presides over the acceptance meeting. The project completed a national survey on the epidemic patterns of cotton diseases, distribution and verticillium wilt, and obtained a large amount of basic data and pathogenic bacteria materials. A total of 1,081 cotton pathogens were collected from 75 cities and counties of 10 provinces in the main cotton producing area. , Of which Verticillium wilt pathogens 315; Analysis of Verticillium wilt pathogens