本案是一间位于匈牙利布达佩斯,面积为100平方米的工作室,由当地设计师及视觉艺术Kiss Miklos负责设计。清新、时尚、个性的风格与Dekoratio公司的文化气质相得益彰。设计师希望通过更好的设计来激发员工创造力,打造生机勃勃的公司形象。室内空间主要依据Dekoratio公司LOGO中的“K”字母进行布局,一条呈角度游走的主线,将明亮的白色办公区与产业空间分隔开。这种区分凸显出工作室的主要特点:致力于品牌战略与设计,以及实际产品的标志设计和印刷。建于同一角度的走廊,将接待处与工作室其他空间相连,同时
The case is a 100-square-meter studio in Budapest, Hungary, designed by local designer Kiss Miklos and visual artist. Fresh, stylish, personalized style and Dekoratio company’s cultural temperament complement each other. Designers hope to inspire staff creativity through better design, to create a vibrant corporate image. The interior is mainly based on the letter “” in the logo of Dekoratio Company. The main line of the walk is an angle that separates the bright white office space from the industrial space. This distinction highlights the main features of the studio: dedicated to brand strategy and design, as well as logo design and printing of real products. Corridor built at the same angle connecting the reception to other spaces in the studio, meanwhile