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建筑信息模型是建筑准确的、三维的、包含各项几何与物理参数的模型,它适用于与建筑结合紧密的“风景园林建筑设计”课程的教学,在国外已经得到广泛的应用。“风景园林建筑设计”课程教学目前主要采取以二维案例为主的授课方式,难以直观展示园林建筑空间信息,难以使学生迅速理解建筑空间与造型的关系,因而也难于培养学生的学习兴趣。针对“风景园林建筑设计”课程教学中存在的问题,探讨了建筑信息模型在“风景园林建筑设计”课程教学中应用的途径。首先,利用建筑信息模型将二维教学变为三维乃至带有时间维度的四维教学;其次,利用建筑信息模型变对园林建筑的定性研究教学为定量研究教学;第三,利用建筑信息模型加强对园林建筑营造过程与技术的教学;第四,利用建筑信息模型加强对园林建筑历史变迁的教学;第五,利用建筑信息模型加强对园林与园林建筑关系的教学。在教学实践中,建筑信息模型已经开始辅助“风景园林建筑设计”的课程教学,并取得良好的效果。 The building information model is an accurate and three-dimensional model of building which contains various geometric and physical parameters. It is suitable for the teaching of landscape architecture design which is closely integrated with architecture and has been widely applied abroad. At present, the teaching of landscape architecture design mainly adopts two-dimensional case-based teaching methods. It is difficult to visualize the spatial information of garden architecture. It is difficult to enable students to quickly understand the relationship between building space and modeling, and thus it is difficult to train students’ learning interest. In view of the existing problems in the teaching of Landscape Architecture ’s “course ”, the way that the building information model is applied in the teaching of First of all, the use of building information model will be two-dimensional teaching into three-dimensional and even with the four-dimensional dimension of time teaching; Second, the use of building information model to change the qualitative research of landscape architecture teaching for quantitative research teaching; Third, the use of building information model to strengthen the Garden construction to create process and technology teaching; fourth, the use of building information model to strengthen the history of landscape architecture teaching; fifth, the use of building information model to strengthen the relationship between garden and landscape architecture teaching. In teaching practice, the building information model has begun to assist in the teaching of “landscape architecture design”, and achieved good results.
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