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大南沟墓地是东北地区保存较好的一处史前墓地,属新石器时代晚期小河沿文化。墓地位于内蒙古赤峰市正北约25千米金英河北岸的群山之中。这一墓地虽然规模不大,但保存较完整,墓区分化非常明确,随葬器物组合齐全,与这一地区以往发现的其他史前文化风格迥异。东北地区保存完好的史前墓地目前发现较少,而小河沿文化的发现,更是弥补了新石器时代晚期的红山文化与青铜时代夏家店下层文化之 Dawanggou cemetery is a preserved prehistoric cemetery in the northeast region, which belongs to the late Neolithic small riverside culture. The cemetery is located in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia about 25 kilometers north of the banks of the King of the mountains. The cemetery, though small in scale, is well preserved and the cemetery is well differentiated. The composition of burial utensils is complete, which is quite different from other prehistoric cultural styles previously discovered in the area. The preserved prehistoric cemetery in Northeast China has been found to be few, but the discovery of Xiaoheyan culture has made up for the culture of Hongshan in the late Neolithic period and the culture of Xiajiadian in the Bronze Age
今年的教师节与以往几届鲜花掌声载歌载舞的盛况略有不同,报纸与新媒体多了一些体制与改革方面的检讨,暴露了些许不正之风。正视现实,检讨失误,这是社会的进步。  在中国的纲常秩序中,老师的地位很高,超过父母兄弟,仅次于国君。老师对学生也亲如己出,悉心栽培,授业传道,严加管束,塑造人格,卓有成就者即招至麾下,列为同党,在晚清社会大变局的背景下尤其如此,六君子或武昌首义,都看得到师生并肩赴难的身影。更有无数