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对于什么是物权、什么是物权法等等一系列问题,不仅人们普遍认识较为模糊,而且相应的法律体系也不健全。尽管“公民的合法的私有财产不受侵犯”这一突破性条款已于2004年被写入了宪法,但这种原则性的规定只有通过法律的具体规定才能得到更为具体的实现。物权法草案不仅在很多地方充分显示出了立法者尊重市场规律、保障私人财产、鼓励人们创造财富的立法宗旨和态度,更是以财产占有关系,包括财产的归属关系与财产的物权的利用关系为主要调整对象。因此,我们完全可以说,物权法草案将私有财产不可侵犯列入法律保护,不仅是法律建设、意识形态及理论的创新,也是尊重人性、尊重人们追求美好生活意愿的充分体现。十届全国人大常委会第十六次会议决定把经过三审的物权法草案内容向全社会公布并广泛征求意见后,物权法成为社会最为关注的话题。什么是物权?物权即对物的权利。物权法是调整财产支配关系的法律,是对财产进行占有、使用、收益和处分的最基本准则,是我国制订民法典的重要组成部分。物权法主要回答三个问题:一、物属于谁,谁是物的主人;二、权利人对物享有哪些权利,他人负有怎样的义务;三、怎样保护物权,侵害物权要承担哪些民事责任。物权法涉及人民群众生活的方方面面,诸如:住宅小区车位归谁所有、企业改制中国有资产的流失、一物二卖、相邻关系、拆迁补偿、建筑用地使用权期限等,这些都能在物权法中找到答案。无论是从整个物权法草案的立法宗旨还是其主要内容构成来看,都将进一步完善保护私有财产的法律制度,为老百姓撑起个人财产权利的法律保护伞。 What is the real right, what is the property law and so on a series of issues, not only the general awareness of the more vague, but also the corresponding legal system is not perfect. Although the groundbreaking clause “the inviolability of the legitimate private property of citizens” was written into the constitution in 2004, such principle-setting provisions can only be more concretely realized through the specific provisions of the law. The draft of property law not only fully shows the legislature’s legislative purpose and attitude of respecting the laws of the market, protecting private property and encouraging people to create wealth in many places, but also takes the ownership of property, including the ownership of property and the utilization of the property right of property As the main adjustment object. Therefore, we can say completely that the draft real rights law includes the inviolability of private property in the legal protection. It is not only the legal construction, the innovation of ideology and theory, but also the embodiment of respecting human nature and respecting people’s desire for a better life. After the 16th Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress decided to publish the contents of the draft of the Real Right Law, which passed the third instance, to the whole society and solicit opinions extensively, the Property Law became the topic of the utmost social concern. What is the real right? Real right is the right thing. Property law is the law governing the dominance of property and the most basic criterion for the possession, use, return and disposal of property. It is an important part of China’s formulation of civil code. Real Right Law mainly answers three questions: First, what belongs to who and who is the owner of the thing; Second, what rights do right holders have and what others have; Third, how to protect real rights and infringe property rights responsibility. Property law involves all aspects of people’s lives, such as: who owned parking spaces in residential quarters, the loss of assets owned by the enterprise restructuring, the sale of one thing and two, the adjacency, compensation for demolition, the duration of the right to use construction land, etc. These can be found in the Property Law Find the answer No matter from the legislative purpose or the main contents of the draft of Real Right Law, all will further improve the legal system of protecting private property and prop up the legal protection umbrella of personal property rights for common people.
[目的 /意义]以情报学关于智库研究为对象,通过对现有研究成果分析,发现情报学在智库研究领域的不足,以此为基础,为情报学智库研究的未来发展提供方向借鉴。[方法 /过程]以CN