结合长江九江段护岸工程试验研究工作 ,着重介绍四面体透水框架群护岸工程布置 ,给出了不同水沙典型年条件下工程区内的冲淤试验结果。四面体透水框架群具有很好的减速促淤作用 ,可以使近岸的冲势变为淤势 ,因此它既可以用于防止条崩的发生 ,也可用于窝崩的治理 ,是一项值得推广的新型护岸技术
Combined with the experimental research on the bank protection project in the Jiujiang section of the Yangtze River, the arrangement of bank protection of the tetrahedron permeable frame group is emphatically introduced. The results of scouring and silting in the project area under different water and sand typical years are given. The tetrahedron permeable frame group has a very good decelerating siltation effect, which can make the nearshore impulse silt, so it can be used to prevent the occurrence of strip collapse and nest collapse, which is a worthwhile Promote a new type of bank protection technology