井下注浆封堵水文观测孔的方法新峰矿务局一矿刘照帮新峰矿务局一矿为一受水害影响的矿井,设计生产能力为60万t/a,始建于1960年,1976年10月投产。1985年7月7日寒武系灰岩水通过断后涌入矿井,涌水量为2375m ̄3/h(最大),7月8日由于水...
Downhole grouting method of blocking hydrological observation hole Xinfeng Mining Bureau, a mine Liu Zhao Bang Xinfeng Mine Bureau as a mine affected by water hazards, the design production capacity of 600000 t / a, was founded in 1960, 1976 Put into operation in October. July 7, 1985 Cambrian limestone water poured into the mine through the break after the influx of 2375m ~ 3 / h (maximum), July 8 due to water ...