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讲汉语语法和学习汉语语法首先碰到的一个难题是分别词类的问题。从马氏文通以来,每一本语法书里都谈到词的分类,可是至今还没有确定的说法,何去何从,很难决定,所以就成为问题了。关于词类,一般学习语法的人常常问到两个问题:(1)汉语的词到底应当分多少类?(2)一个词用在句子里作用不完全相同,它的类别是固定的呢,还是不固定的呢?要解决这两个问题,势必先问一问:词类是拿什么标准划分的?这是一个关键的问题。有了标准,上面所说的问题也就容易解决了。为了讨论方便起见,这里先简单地举出几种不同的说法: (1)黎锦熙先生在“中国语法中的词法研讨”里说,分 One of the first problems encountered in speaking Chinese grammar and learning Chinese grammar is the problem of the respective parts of speech. Since Ma Wentong, every grammar book talks about the classification of words. However, there is still no definite statement. It is difficult to decide where to go, so it becomes a problem. Regarding the part of speech, people who normally study grammar often ask two questions: (1) How many categories should the Chinese words be divided into? (2) Is the role of a word used in a sentence not exactly the same? Is its category fixed? What is not fixed? To solve these two problems, one must first ask: What is the standard division of the parts of speech? This is a key issue. With the standard, the problems mentioned above are easily solved. For the sake of discussion, here are a few simple things to say: (1) Mr. Li Jinxi said in the “Semantics of Chinese grammar,”
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